Horton Wreath Society
Remember the Sacrifices, Respect Our Veterans,
Educate Future Generations
The Society strives to educate all, especially our youth and future generations, to remember the sacrifices by and to respect our veterans.
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Horton Wreath Society supporting:
Albert G. Horton Jr. Memorial Veterans Cemetery
5310 Milners Road, Suffolk, VA 23434

Volunteer /Reservation Wreath Sign-up Link

Local and other interested friends continue to join together each year to honor our Veterans by placing a wreath at each grave site and columbarium row.
With your support, we hope to continue this in the coming years.
Approximately 15,000 wreaths will be placed at the cemetery this year (2025).
We are going to be utilizing buses to transport volunteers from Kings Fork High School (351 Kings Fork Rd. Suffolk VA 23434) to the cemetery on 13 December 2025 starting at 7:00 AM.

There will be no parking on the cemetery grounds unless previously authorized.

Early Wreath families will be able to lay their wreaths starting on Friday, December 12, 2025, (9:00 AM to 4:00 PM)
and Saturday, immediately following the ceremony.

If you wish to make a donation, please mail it to:
Horton Wreath Society
PO Box 6246
Virginia Beach, VA 23456-0246

or scan the below QR Code:


HWS Zeffy Donation Link


Horton Wreath Society, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Charitable Organization and 97% of all donations go toward the purchase of the wreaths.



We will be posting on our website only the names of our donors, in alphabetic order and by month. If you do not wish to have your name added to our website, please attach a note with your donation.


The official ceremony starts at 9:00 AM at the Committal Shelter. All are invited to come to the Committal Shelter as you arrive.  Seating will be limited.  There will be two bleachers and additional chairs available under the shelter. Some participants may be required to stand.  Those who have any disabilities may access the cemetery via the back gate, there will be golf carts available for transportation to and from the event.  Volunteers who plan to lay wreaths only should take note of the ceremony times because the trucks will not be opened until the official ceremony is completed (approximately 1030).  There will be coffee, water and light treats staged at the cemetery administration building.


We will be using the Sign-up Genius system for following purposes.  If you have a family member or loved one interred at the cemetery and you do not wish to have a wreath be placed on the grave site by others, please register and a Red Flag will be placed at each grave site to identify no wreath placement except by the family.

Volunteers are needed to assist on the December 10th & 11th, 2025, unloading and re-loading our trucks in preparation for our event. This two day Working Party will be at the National Guard Armory, 2761 Godwin Blvd, Suffolk VA.  Friday, December 12th, 2025, is opened to all Red Flag families to be able to place wreaths between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM so, please, use our Sign-up Genius link below (volunteer Link).

New Item, we are establishing the January wreath clean up volunteer list on our Sign-up Genius for January 9th, 2026, to assist in picking up and disposing of the wreaths from 9:00 AM till around 4:00 PM. Please come out and help with this last piece of work if you have the time.

Volunteer/Reservation Wreath Sign-up


The wreaths will be placed on Saturday,
December 13, 2025, following the ceremony (approximately 10:30 AM).

Draft – Wreath Laying – Flow of Event 13DEC25 (will be updated as event gets closer)

For your convenience: A map of Albert G. Horton Memorial Veterans Cemetery can be opened below:

AG Horton Memorial Veterans Cemetery Visitor Map 2023


For additional information. You may contact:

Mike Yarbrough (President), SMCMikeY@Outlook.com


Norm Hults (1st Vice President), NAHults@yahoo.com

Remember the sacrifices; Respect our veterans; Educate future generations. Again, thank you ever so much


Mike Yarbrough,


Horton Wreath Society, Inc.

(757) 537-0128

If you wish to make a donation, please mail it to:

Horton Wreath Society
PO Box 6246
Virginia Beach, VA 23456-0246

501(c)(3) Non Profit Charitable Organization
97% of all donations go toward the purchase of the wreaths. 

Horton Wreath Society Inc